
Vercel Source Plugin Configuration Reference


This example syncs from Vercel to a Postgres destination, using API Key authentication. The (top level) source spec section is described in the Source Spec Reference (opens in a new tab). Incremental syncing is enabled and will be saved to a .cq/state/ directory by default.

kind: source
# Common source-plugin configuration
  name: vercel
  path: cloudquery/vercel
  version: "v1.2.1"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    - vercel_deployment_checks
  backend: local

  # Vercel specific configuration
    access_token: "<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE>"

Vercel Spec

This is the (nested) spec used by the Vercel source plugin:

  • access_token (string, required): An access token for your Vercel account. Get yours from Vercel's Account Tokens Page (opens in a new tab).

  • team_ids (list of string, optional): A list of team IDs to sync. If not specified, all teams will be synced. To find the ID of a specific team, refer to Vercel Docs (opens in a new tab).

  • endpoint_url (string, optional. Default: API endpoint URL to use. For Vercel's production API, this should be

  • timeout_secs (integer in seconds, optional. Default: 5): Timeout for requests against the Vercel REST API.

  • max_retries (integer in seconds, optional. Default: 10): Maximum number of retries for requests against the Vercel REST API.

  • max_wait_secs (integer in seconds, optional. Default: 300): Maximum wait time between rate limited API requests. The plugin waits until the rate limit resets. If there's a need to wait longer than this time, the request will fail.

  • page_size (integer, optional. Default: 100): Number of items to request in each API call. This is a tradeoff between the number of API calls and the number of items per API call, which might take too long. The maximum allowed value is 100.